Rent Books Online at BookSwim and Save

I just came across a great way through which people who love reading can save themselves some money and still read the books they want to read by renting them instead of buying them. With BookSwim you can do just that. Once you have signed up, you add the books you want to read to […]

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One Month 125×125 Ad Spot Giveaways

I had Project Wonderful running on the sidebar for a few months and removed it a few short weeks ago. This has freed up some space and what I have decided to do is give away 2 125×125 ad spots for one month (January 2009) to kick start your new year. All you need to […]

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Google Adsense for Parked Domains

A number of people seem to be getting into domaining or simply getting their hands on domain names for whatever reasons. A number of these domains sit undeveloped and the owners may not be aware that they could potentially cash in on their parked domains. There are number of services out there to choose from […]

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The GLOBAL CREDIT CRUNCH is something that has been on my mind for a while now. Not only has it been on my mind, it has had an impact on how my family and I spend money. We have had to cut back on a lot because after bills and paying off whatever else needs […]

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Make Money as a Skype Prime Advisor

Skype has an advice and services directory where users can get advice by voice or video over Skype Prime. It gives those who have a bit of expertise in areas such as Relationship advice and Counseling, Computer and Internet, Business and Personal finance and other areas a way of making some extra money by helping […]

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Getting Paid For Your Videos

The video you just watched has earned its producer $1,928 to date and you watching it has only added to that total. He is one of the many people on Metacafe who are racking in a reasonable amount of cash from their videos. The video is less than two minutes long and he probably didn’t […]

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Selling and Making Money with Photos on Photrade

NOTE: Photrade have discontinued their service. For up-to-date ideas on how to make money with Photos, click HERE   Last year I wrote a post about making money with your photo’s (Earn With Your Photos – Shutterstock + Photrade) which included a short paragraph on Photrade and what they have to offer. Photrade is one […]

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