As Twitter continues to grow, a lot of people are looking for ways to monetise their tweets and one of the ways of doing that is through a service such as Magpie or Adjix. One problem with them is that the particular tweet sent out may not be relevant to what you usually tweet about. Less people are likely to pay attention to them which in turn will mean lower earnings.
You can however send out tweets from RSS feeds that you are pretty certain your followers will be interested in and ones that could result in payouts for leads. Twitterfeed is a tool that automatically feeds your feeds through to Twitter for you. It gives you options that allow you to do things such as set the frequency at which you want updates to be sent out, a post prefix and suffix, the url shortening service you would like to use and a keyword filter.
As far as setting up a feed that could lead to you earning revenue goes, RevResponse is a very good option. For those of you that don’t already know about them, they are a pay-per-lead ad network with a range of free business resources that pays publishers whenever a user downloads their resources. The payouts range from $1.50 to $20 depending on what is downloaded.
The reason why I say they are a good option is because they offer a range of free business content and you will more than likely find something suitable to tweet about. You can find a full list of everything they have to offer here – TradePub. If you took a look at what they have to offer you may have noticed that each category has an rss feed that you can add to Twitterfeed and your in business.
I understand why people would like to make some money off their tweets, but isn’t twitter becoming one huge spam/advertisement central now a days? Half of my new followers only tweet about getting thousands of followers (even though they only have 20-50 themselves…) or how to get rich by farting in your sleep etc.
@ Klaus, I know what you mean. There are a number of users who are purely there to spam. Don’t you just love the people who direct you towards sites that will get you 5000 followers when they themselves have 12. I have no time for them and only follow people I know I will get something useful and interesting from.
That is very good advice and seems like a powerful combination. I have tried other Twitter ppc sites in the past and have not been impressed. I will have to take a look at revresponse and see what they are all about.
@ Tycoon Bloogger, please do let me know what you think of RevResponse once you have given them a go.
Hi Gerri, have you tried Twitterfeed and Revresponse for yourself? It will great if you could post a review of them.
@ Charles, I am trying it out at the moment and once I have given a go for about a month I will put together a follow up post with the results.