If you are stuck for ideas on earning extra cash on you blog/site or there is nothing out there that really suites you needs or you just want to add another way of monetizing your blog/site, AuctionAds may be for you. AuctionAds is a type of advertising where you display live eBay! auctions. You are […]
Author Archive | Gerri
Affiliate Marketing – Advertiser Ad Relevance
The relevance of your advertiser’s ads in relation to your site content can play a big part in your commission earnings. It is important to place ads, text links, or product links that are relevant to your site/blog’s content. Contextual banners, buttons, embedded text links etc. related to your site/blog’s content are more likely to […]
To KONTERA or not?
A few days ago I put up Kontera ContentLink in-text ads as a source of revenue.Kontera’s ContentLink basically turns certain keywords from your web page into a link to a txt ad from Kontera’s advertisers. There are quite a few Kontera advocates who are touting it as the next big thing after Google’s Adsense. On […]
AGLOCO BUZZ – Potential for BIG Money!!
I have visited quite a few sites/blogs over the past few days and everywhere I go there seems to be a really big buzz going on about AGLOCO; I’ve been thinking about whether or not to sign up? I was a bit sceptical at first but after going to their site and reading through what […]
Online Auctions as a Stream of Income
I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that one of the ways that people make money online is through online auctions. There are plenty of stories out there of power sellers who are making thousands of dollars a month. Some of them do it selling ebooks covering a wide range of topics and a […]
Affiliate Marketing
What is Affiliate Marketing? It’s basically you advertising products and/or services and getting paid a commission on any sales or leads eventuating from your visitors. Commission rates vary and are set by the publisher of the product and/or service you have chosen to advertise. If you do a search for Affiliate Networks/Programs you’ll find that […]
16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog
As I stated in my last post, I am looking for ways of increasing traffic to my blog. I came across an article that some of you people out there might find interesting and helpful. Enjoy! 16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog By Denise Wakeman You’ve got your blog set up and […]
Save……on calls – Skype!!
Besides trying to make money, it pays to also find ways of cutting down costs. There is no point in making a killing doing whatever it is that you are doing and at the same time spending a lot of money doing it. If you are someone who makes a lot of phones calls, an […]
My First Ever Blog Post
Where is all that money? “There is so much money to be made out there!!!” I don’t know how many times I have heard that statement. I want to get my hands on some of that money. Every day I seem to hear stories of people who have or are making a lot of money […]