[ad#Adsense 250×250 White]If you shun OEM packed or refurbished products when you are hunting around for electronics or appliances don’t! Why? Because you could save yourself a lot of money. My 2 year old daughter just completely destroyed my cell phone and I am looking around for a replacement. To that effect I have been […]
Author Archive | Gerri
The Winner of the phpOStock Pro E-commerce Plugin is….
The winner is: Jim Congratulations! Ben will be getting in touch with you shortly to set you up with your free copy of phpOStock Pro. Thank you to all of you who entered the competition. If you did not win, don’t forget that you can get phpOStock Pro at a discount with the 20% off […]
GlobalTestMarket Paid Surveys – Scam or Not?
I signed up with GlobalTestMarket (GTM) in 2008 as part of a little experiment I was doing to see which survey companies were legitimate or a total scam. What I quickly found out was that there weren’t too many I could sign up to or if there were ones I could sign up to I very […]
How To Organise Your Affiliate Links by Keller
As an affiliate marketer one thing that happens as time goes by is that you sign up to a number of programs which presents the issue of how to keep track of and organise all of your affiliate links. I was over at FresheVenture.com and came across a video that Keller put together that provides […]
My Interview With Murray Newlands – Get to Know More About Me
I recently did an interview with the famous affiliate marketing expert Murray Newlands at murraynewlands.com. You can get to know a bit more about me by reading through the interview. This is what I had to say: Tell me about your Blog? Ninety Nine Ways is a blog on ways of making money online as […]
The Best WordPress Design Contest 2009
Keller over at FresheVenture.com is holding a contest, The Best WordPress Design Contest 2009 and I decided to go ahead and enter the contest and I need you guys to vote for me (when voting opens on 1 September 2009). The whole idea behind the contest (according to her) is: This is an attention grabbing, […]
Taking The Time Out To Fill Out Mail-In Redemption Forms
Cashback offers are all over the place and they seem very appealing as you are in theory getting whatever it is you are purchasing at a discount that is if you bother to redeem it. More often than not however, people just can’t seem to be bothered to fill out the forms or they don’t […]
The Winner of Give it a GO by Sonia Williams is……
Thank you to all of you who entered the contest. All entries were assigned with numbers and I let http://www.random.org/ do the work for me and come up with a winner. The winner of Give it a GO What have you got to lose is?, BELLA Congratuations!!! I will get in touch with you shortly […]
Why Build a Niche Store When You Can Win One?
If you take out the time and put your mind to it, you could setup and have a niche store up and running in no time at all but wouldn’t it be nice if you were given a site that was all setup and ready to go? The Nice Store Builder author Mark Hansen is […]